Proceedings of the 49th annual
Boston University Conference on Language Development
Advance information
| Letter to authors | Order form
Information for contributors
Submission deadline: January 25, 2025
As someone who presented a talk or poster, you are invited to contribute your paper to the Proceedings of the annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Please contribute so more people can learn about your research! Cascadilla Press will publish the entire proceedings both in print and online with open access.
Guidelines are the same for talks and for posters. Our formatting requirements are below the timeline at www.cascadilla.com/bucld-style.html.
All papers and abstracts must be sent via DropBox to Cascadilla Press. Do not email your paper or abstract to Cascadilla Press unless specifically requested to do so, and do not send a Word file of your paper.
To publish your paper in the proceedings, you will need to upload your paper in PDF format and your abstract in text format by January 25 at https://www.dropbox.com/request/o1jjAdOai0bLmNTBUwK6.
Sign the publication rights form (using ink on paper or an electronic signature) by January 25 as well (earlier is always better).
Thanks for your time, and if you have any questions, please contact bucld@cascadilla.com.
Michael Bernstein
Cascadilla Press
Step 1: Finish your paper, proofread it, and format it according to the style sheet below. Make a PDF file of your paper. You must proofread your paper carefully before sending it in. At the proof approval stage, you will not be able to fix problems which are in your original file.
Step 2: Fill out and sign the publication rights form and mail it for an ink signature or email it for an electronic signature.
Step 3: Write a short abstract.
Step 4: Upload your paper and your abstract by January 25 (see link above). On or before that date, be sure you have sent your signed publication rights form.
Step 5: We will start publication work on your paper in stages and let you know over the next couple of months if we need any formatting changes. Make formatting changes that we tell you about, and upload a corrected PDF file of your paper.
Step 6: After your PDF file's formatting is approved and we have done some of the publication work here, we will send you a proof of your paper containing a scanned image of each page. That proof is only to ensure that what we see is what you intended without font or image glitches. It is not an opportunity to make other changes. Check that proof very carefully before you approve it, because any problems in that proof are very likely to appear in the published book.
Style Sheet
BUCLD Proceedings publication rights form
Go to http://www.cascadilla.com/bucld-rights.html
Future publication in a journal
We sometimes receive questions about whether authors can publish a proceedings paper and later publish a journal article that overlaps with that paper or expands on that paper. It is common and appropriate to publish a proceedings paper on a topic, continue to develop your research and ideas, and then publish a more developed journal
Here is a statement from the editors of Language Acquisition: "A paper overlapping with another previously published in conference proceedings can be considered for publication in Language Acquisition, provided that the submitted paper includes substantially more developed arguments, data or discussion."
Language explains in their Notes to Contributors: "If some of the results in a submitted paper have been published elsewhere, the paper you submit should build on those results and should develop the ideas and evidence along new lines or in greater depth."
You do not need to obtain permission from Cascadilla Press to republish any identical or further developed portions from a paper you published in the BUCLD Proceedings, because you retain the copyright to your paper. You must acknowledge the earlier publication appropriately, of course.
Instructions for abstracts
When you send us your paper, please also send us a one-paragraph abstract of your paper in a separate text file. This is not for inclusion in the proceedings, but rather to make it easier for other people to find your paper. The abstract should not be more than 250 words. The abstract must be one single paragraph. Examples must be contained in the single paragraph, not on separate lines. Do not use any phonetic characters, phonetic fonts, or other specialty fonts. Put "abstract" at the beginning, followed by the title and author. If you want to use italics, put <i> at the start of the italics and </i> at the end of the italics. No other formatting is allowed in the abstract.
Instructions for your PDF file
We need a PDF file of your paper. We will only be able to accept PDF files (not Word, WordPerfect, TeX, or anything else).
It is very important that the PDF file be exactly what you want. The best way to ensure this is to create your PDF file, print out that PDF file for yourself, and check the PDF printout carefully to make sure that no fonts are missing or changed, no material goes beyond the margins, and your images all look correct.
When you generate the PDF file for your paper, make sure you embed ALL fonts. If you use a phonetic character font, you must embed that font and check any proofs carefully, or else the published book may contain arbitrary letters or symbols instead of the characters you intended.
After your PDF file's formatting is approved, we will send you a first proof of your paper containing a scanned image of each page. Check that first proof very carefully before you approve it, because any problems in that proof are very likely to appear in the published book.