FAQ: General info
How do I contact Cascadilla Press?
We welcome inquiries and orders through whatever method you find most convenient: phone, fax, e-mail, or mail.
phone: 1-617-776-2370
fax: 1-617-776-2271
e-mail: sales@cascadilla.com
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Cascadilla Press
P.O. Box 440355
Somerville, MA 02144
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Cascadilla Press
11 Lyman Avenue
Medford, MA 02155
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How should Cascadilla Press books be cited in publications?
The full publisher name for citations is Cascadilla Press. The city of publication is Somerville, Massachusetts, USA. Massachusetts is commonly abbreviated as Mass. or as MA. To avoid confusion between Cascadilla Press and Cascadilla Proceedings Project, please do not abbreviate the publisher to just Cascadilla.
What is your privacy policy?
Like any business, we keep records of customer contact information, order history, and payment information. Much of this is required by the IRS and our credit card processor. We are very careful about what we do with that information. We have never sold our mailing list. We will never sell or give away a customer's e-mail address. We do send out very occasional announcements by e-mail of new titles and other news from Cascadilla Press, so if you are a customer, you may receive one of those announcements. If you would prefer not to receive any future e-mail announcements from us, please send a message to webmaster@cascadilla.com and we will remove your e-mail address from our mailing list.
Our web site uses cookies for the shopping cart system in order to keep track of what items you have in your cart, but nothing else. You can use everything on our site except the shopping cart with cookies turned off.
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please send a message to webmaster@cascadilla.com.
What is your federal ID number?
The federal ID number for Cascadilla Press is 04-3261065.
Is Cascadilla Press an independent company?
Yes, and we are very proud of that. Cascadilla Press is a privately held company, not affiliated with any university or with any other publisher. That means that we can and do make our business decisions based on what is best for our customers, our authors, and our employees.
Where does the name "Cascadilla" come from?
Cascadilla is a place name used extensively around Ithaca, New York, where Cornell University is located. There's a Cascadilla Creek which runs along the edge of the main campus separating Cornell from Collegetown, nestled in Cascadilla Gorge. One of the descents that the creek takes on its way to Cayuga Lake is Cascadilla Falls. You can see photos at http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/classes/Geo101/cascadilla.html. There's a Cascadilla Street in Ithaca, as well as a Cascadilla Boat Club. Cascadilla Press is actually located in the Boston area, but we like the word.
"Cascadilla" most likely comes from Spanish, meaning "little waterfall." As a place name around Ithaca, it is always pronounced with an English "l" sound near the end, not a "y" as in Spanish. If you ask an Ithaca resident where "Cascadiya Street" is, they may look at you blankly. While our preferred pronunciation for Cascadilla Press is the English pronunciation, we are certainly used to hearing the Spanish pronunciation.
If you need to hyphenate Cascadilla, we recommend Casca-dilla.