Cascadilla Press Single User License Agreement
This is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and Cascadilla Press of Somerville, MA. By installing, copying, or using the Cascadilla Press software product acquired with this agreement ("Software"), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, promptly return the unused Software and all accompanying items to the place you obtained them and destroy any and all copies you have made of the Software and any accompanying materials.
1. COPYRIGHT -- The Software is owned by Cascadilla Press or its suppliers and is protected by United States copyright laws, international treaty provisions, and all other applicable national laws. You do not own the Software. This license agreement allows you to use or copy the Software under certain conditions.
2. GRANT OF LICENSE TO A SINGLE USER -- This Cascadilla Press Single User
License Agreement permits you to install, use, and backup the Software. You may place a copy of the Software on any computer(s) for your own use, subject to the limitations below. You must not copy the Software or accompanying materials for any other reason.
3. PLACEMENT ON SHARED COMPUTERS -- If you place a copy of the Software on a computer which is shared with other people, you must ensure that every person who can access the Software on that computer has purchased a license for the Software.* Otherwise you must either place the Software in a location that cannot be accessed by other people using that computer (for example, in a directory or user account protected by a personal password that you do not share with anyone else), or you must remove the Software whenever you are not using that computer.
* Members of your family or household who are sharing the computer do not need to purchase a license for the Software if they do not use the Software.
4. FILE SHARING AND PLACEMENT ON SERVERS -- You must not intentionally
or unintentionally make the Software available on any web server, ftp server, file sharing network, shared directory, or other location where any other person can acquire a copy of the Software. You are responsible for keeping the Software safe from being copied by others.
5. SOFTWARE PACKAGE INTEGRITY -- If the Software package includes more
than one component, such as versions of the Software meant for two different operating systems, this License may not be subdivided or applied separately to individual components.
6. OTHER RESTRICTIONS -- You must not rent, lease, lend, sell, give away, or transfer the Software. You must not share the Software with any other person. If you transfer ownership or control of any computer, hard drive, or storage media of any sort which includes the Software or accompanying materials, you must first remove from the transferred item all copies of the Software and any accompanying materials.
7. EMBEDDING THE SOFTWARE IN PDF FILES -- If the Software is a font, you
may embed the Software in PDF files and distribute PDF files with the Software
embedded as long as you have no reason to believe that a recipient of the PDF file will use the embedded Software in any way other than for viewing or printing that PDF file and as long as you do not encourage or facilitate any other use of the embedded Software. Any other embedding of the Software in a PDF file or other file is prohibited.
8. MODIFYING THE SOFTWARE -- You may modify the Software for your own use, but Cascadilla Press or its suppliers retain the copyright on all derivative works. You must not distribute any modified version of the Software.
9. VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT -- Your right to use or copy the Software is immediately terminated if you do any of the following (whether you are acting intentionally or not): (1) provide a copy of the Software to any other person; (2) allow or enable any other person to copy the Software; (3) make the Software available on any web server, ftp server, file sharing network, shared directory, or other location where other people can acquire copies of the Software. If your right to use or copy the Software is terminated under this section, you agree to do all of the following: (1) notify Cascadilla Press immediately; (2) immediately return or destroy any and all copies you have made of the Software and any accompanying materials; (3) compensate Cascadilla Press in the amount of $500 per copy made. If you do not prove the number of copies made by providing to us complete usage and access logs or a comparably detailed accounting, you agree that the number of copies made shall be considered to be 20 copies per day starting on the earliest date Cascadilla Press estimates that your right to use or copy the Software was terminated under this section until the date full compensation under this section is actually paid to Cascadilla Press.
10. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES -- To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Cascadilla Press and its suppliers shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software, even if Cascadilla Press has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, Cascadilla Press' entire liability shall be limited to the amount actually paid by you to Cascadilla Press for the Software.
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. If you purchase, use, or copy this Software for any purpose related to any aspect of your employment (including teaching students, advising students, doing research, or preparing academic or scholarly materials of any sort for distribution or publication), you agree that you are acting as an agent of your employer. If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please contact Cascadilla Press at P.O. Box 440355, Somerville, MA 02144, USA.