Ongoing hurt book sale
We have a few slightly damaged books available. The damage is cosmetic: creased covers and pages, damaged corners, and scuffed covers. If you're interested in buying any of the following books, please add them to your shopping cart or send e-mail to sales@cascadilla.com, telling us which books you'd like, your name and address, and your credit card number and card expiration date (month and year). We take Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. First come, first served.
Slightly beat-up books
BUCLD 21, Vol. 1 ($15, list $25 as part of a 2-vol. set)
BUCLD 21, Vol. 2 ($15, list $25 as part of a 2-vol. set)
BUCLD 25, Vol. 1 ($15, list $25 as part of a 2-vol. set)
BUCLD 25, Vol. 2 ($15, list $25 as part of a 2-vol. set)
Contemporary Perspectives on the Acquisition of Spanish, Vol. 1 ($12, list $28.95)
Contemporary Perspectives on the Acquisition of Spanish, Vol. 2 ($12, list $28.95)
Magnetic Melody ($10, list $19.95)
Proceedings of the UBC Conference on Phonological Acquisition ($10, list $25.00)
The Sounds of Spanish ($25, list $48.95)
WCCFL 18 Proceedings ($20, list $40.00)
WCCFL 19 Proceedings ($20, list $40.00)
WCCFL 20 Proceedings ($20, list $40.00)