![]() | ix + 497 pages publication date: September 2003 ISBN 978-1-57473-034-0 paperback, $40.00 ISBN 978-1-57473-134-7 library binding, $80.00 |
Part I: Hispanic Linguistics 1. Discourse, Sociolinguistics, and Diachronic Linguistics A Synchronical and Historical View of the Tú/Vos Option in the Spanish of Montevideo Virginia Bertolotti and Magdalena Coll 1-12 Diachronic Shifts and Register Variation with the "Lexical Subject of Infinitive" Construction (para yo hacerlo) Mark Davies 13-29 The Sociolinguistic Distribution of (lh) in Uruguayan Portuguese: A Case of Dialect Diffusion Ana Maria Carvalho 30-44 A Cross-Dialectal Study of Spanish Non-Canonical Clauses: A Semantic Analysis of Dequeísta Clauses Carlos Gabriel del Moral 45-61 On the Contextual Licensing of Tampoco Scott A. Schwenter and Iker Zulaica-Hernández 62-80 (download the PDF of missing page 78a) Pronouns Configuring Spanish and Vice Versa Luis Silva-Villar 81-95 2. Syntax, Semantics, and Phonology Expletive Definites in Relative Clauses Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach and Enrique Mallen 96-112 Unary Features in Phonology and Spanish Palatals Jorge M. Guitart 113-118 Effects of Syntactic Constituency on the Intonational Marking of Spanish Contrastive Focus Timothy L. Face 119-137 Psych Verbs in Spanish Leísta Dialects Jon Franco and Susana Huidobro 138-157 Definite Generics in Spanish M. Emma Ticio 158-177 On the Subjecthood Issue of Existential Haber Esthela Treviño 178-192 Part II: Acquisition of Spanish, Catalan, and Portuguese 1. First Language Acquisition Tense, Agreement and Defaults in Child Catalan: An Optimality Theoretic Analysis Lisa Davidson and Matthew Goldrick 193-211 Interpreting Reference in the Early Acquisition of Spanish Clitics Laura Domínguez 212-228 Child Prosody and Filler Syllables: Looking into Spanish through the Optimal Window of Acquisition Conxita Lleó 229-253 Learning Earliest Grammar: Evidence of Grammar Variations in Speech before 22 Months Susana López-Ornat 254-274 Plural Acquisition and Development in Spanish Victoria Marrero and Carmen Aguirre 275-296 The Acquisition of Clitics in Child Spanish Lara Reglero and M. Emma Ticio 297-316 'Command' and the Acquisition of Subject and Object in Brazilian Portuguese Ruth E. Vasconcellos Lopes 317-335 2. Child Bilingualism Telling Stories in Two Languages: The Development of Reference to Space between the Ages of 7 and 11 Esther A. Alvarez 336-349 A Discourse Analysis of the Development of Temporal Reference in the Written Spanish Narratives of Monolingual and Bilingual Mexican Students Erica McClure 350-364 Spanish Language Skills in Bilingual Children with Specific Language Impairment María Adelaida Restrepo 365-374 Linguistic Consequences of Reduced Input in Bilingual First Language Acquisition Carmen Silva-Corvalán 375-397 3. Adult Second Language Acquisition The (Dis)association between Morphology and Syntax: The Case of L2 Spanish Joyce Bruhn de Garavito 398-417 Effects of Computer-Mediated Synchronous Interaction in Spanish Vocabulary Learning María J. de la Fuente 418-446 The Acquisition of Clitics in L2 Spanish: A Discourse/Functional Perspective of Lexical NPs vs. Clitics Jenna Torres 447-467 Psych Verbs and Morphosyntactic Development in Instructed L2 Spanish Paul D. Toth 468-497