FAQ: Information for resellers
Do you accept purchase orders, or do you require prepayment?
We currently require prepayment on all purchase orders and standing orders from resellers.
We will follow any special instructions that are listed on the purchase order regarding shipping and billing addresses, number of copies of the invoice, and delivery date requirements. We cannot use alternate carriers or ship collect except by special prior arrangement for large orders. We ignore (and hereby explicitly reject) purchase order terms which are fine print, boilerplate, irrelevant to the order, or absurd.
How should we send you our purchase order?
We accept purchase orders by mail, fax, or e-mail. If you have ordered from us before, we can accept your purchase order over the phone. Here is our contact information:
Cascadilla Press
P.O. Box 440355
Somerville, MA 02144
phone: 1-617-776-2370
fax: 1-617-776-2271
e-mail: sales@cascadilla.com
Can resellers order through your web site?
Yes, if you want to pay by credit card. In the comments or special instructions area, note that you are a reseller and should receive the reseller discount. We will apply the appropriate discount when we process your order, though the discount will not show up on your initial order confirmation.
What is your discount schedule for resellers?
Our standard discount for resellers is:
40% for proceedings on CD-ROM, Magnetic Melody, and Magnetic Schematic
30% for titles from Cascadilla Proceedings Project (see www.lingref.com)
20% for all other items
We do not offer different discounts for bookstores, distributors, or wholesalers.
For an order of 100 or more copies of a single title, the 20% discount rises to 35%. (The 30% and 40% discounts do not change.) The 35% discount will be returned to 20% if later returns reduce the net quantity below 100.
How do you ship items to resellers?
Shipments within the US are generally sent by FedEx Ground, though we may use USPS First Class/Priority Mail for small orders. The shipping and handling charge for shipments within the US is $6.00 for the first item and $3.00 for each additional item.
Shipments outside the US are generally sent by USPS International First Class Mail or USPS International Priority Mail. The shipping and handling charge for shipments outside the US is $15.00 for the first item and $6.00 for each additional item.
Faster shipping is available by FedEx; please check with us for prices if you need faster shipping.
We do not ship via UPS, and we do not ship on collect terms or 3rd party accounts.
How quickly do you process orders from resellers?
Most orders from resellers are processed and shipped within 2 business days. If you are in a rush, please tell us and we will expedite your order.
Do you accept returns from resellers?
Yes, we accept limited returns from resellers within 6 months as long as the items are still in new (not shelf-worn) condition. Returns must be double-boxed. Please do not attempt to return used, worn, or damaged items. Send returns to:
Cascadilla Press
11 Lyman Avenue
Medford, MA 02155
You do not need advance authorization or an RMA# for returns. Please do include your original order number or invoice number, so we can issue credit appropriately. Also let us know whether you want us to keep your credit amount on file or if we should send you a refund check.
Return quantities are limited after 30 days to 25% of the original quantity ordered or 3 copies, whichever is greater. You will have full return privileges for small orders of 1-3 copies. If you want to stock an item on a trial basis and you need full return privileges for a larger quantity, please contact us to make arrangements beforehand. Multiple orders for the same title are combined to calculate quantities, so 4 orders of 2 copies each is considered the same as 1 order of 8 copies.
If you return damaged items, we will have to reject those items and charge you our standard shipping rate for shipping them back to you. In egregious cases we will have to cancel your future return privileges entirely. Again, please do not attempt to return used, worn, or damaged items.
Do you accept advance orders for books not yet published?
Yes. On some books we offer a prepublication discount; this cannot be combined with the reseller discount. We will apply whichever discount is greater.
Do you accept standing orders for book series?
Yes. You just need to tell us the name of the series, what volume number you want to start your order with, and what quantity you want.
What should we do if we receive a defective item?
If an item is defective, such as a book with a page missing, let us know whether you want us to reship the order immediately under the original invoice, ship the order under a new invoice, or cancel the order entirely. Please return the defective item via the cheapest shipping method available to:
Cascadilla Press
11 Lyman Avenue
Medford, MA 02155
Let us know how much additional credit we should issue to cover your return shipping cost.
What should we do if we receive a damaged item?
First, save the packaging along with the damaged item. Then let us know about the damage. In most cases we will want you to send us the item along with its packaging so we can file a claim with the shipping company. We all want FedEx and UPS to be more careful with our packages. The only way this will happen is if we file claims when they damage our shipments.
We cannot accept claims for damage when the packaging has been lost or discarded, because then neither we nor the shipping company can verify where the damage occurred. We also cannot accept claims for damage more than 15 days after the package has arrived.
If you have saved the packaging and notified us about the damage, let us know whether you want us to reship the order immediately under the original invoice, ship the order under a new invoice, or cancel the order entirely.
What should we do if an order does not arrive?
Let us know if an order does not arrive when you expect it, and we will check when your order was processed and when it was shipped. For a book that has not yet been published, feel free to contact us for its current expected shipping date.