![]() | ix + 804 pages (2-volume set) publication date: April 2002 ISBN 978-1-57473-072-2 paperback, $60.00 ISBN 978-1-57473-172-9 library binding, $125.00 |
Volume 1 A Reconsideration of Children's Phonological Representations Daniel A. Dinnsen 1-23 Determiner Omission in Language Acquisition and Language Impairment: Syntactic and Discourse Factors Sergio Baauw, Esterella de Roo, and Sergey Avrutin 24-35 The Effect of Perceived Phonetic Similarity on Non-Native Sound Learning by Children and Adults Wendy Baker, Pavel Trofimovich, Molly Mack, and James E. Flege 36-47 Inflecting Denominal Verbs: The Role of Semantics Shoba Bandi-Rao 48-59 Error Patterns and Transfer in Spanish-English Bilingual Phonological Development Jessica A. Barlow 60-71 Learning Multiple Regularities: Evidence from Overgeneralization Errors in the German Plural Heike Behrens 72-83 Verb Raising in Spanish: A Comparison of Early and Late Bilinguals Joyce Bruhn de Garavito 84-94 Holism and Locative Argument Structure in Korean-English Bilingual Grammars Myong-Hee Choi and Usha Lakshmanan 95-106 Attention to Different Cues in Noun Learning: The Effect of English vs. Spanish Mass/Count Syntax Eliana Colunga and Michael Gasser 107-117 Explaining Constraint Demotion in a Developing System Suzanne Curtin and Kie Zuraw 118-129 The Form and Interpretation of Finite and Non-Finite Verbs in Swahili Kamil Ud Deen and Nina Hyams 130-141 Learning Verb-Argument Structure: Rules and Construction Effects Katherine Demuth, 'Malillo Machobane, Francina Moloi, and Christopher Odato 142-153 Production of Causal Explanations by Children with Language Impairments: What Is Difficult and Why? Morag L. Donaldson, Jennifer Reid, and Claire Murray 154-165 On the Acquisition of German nicht 'not' as Sentential Negation: Evidence from Negative Polarity Items Heiner Drenhaus 166-174 Intraphrasal Code-Switching: Evidence for Parallel Systems in a Child Learning Chinese and English Hang Du 175-186 Learning to Read French: When Does Phonological Decoding Matter? Daphne Ducharme and Rachel I. Mayberry 187-196 Finiteness and Parallelism: Assessing the Generality of Knowledge about English Ellipsis in SLA Nigel Duffield and Ayumi Matsuo 197-207 The Subset Problem in L2 Perceptual Development: Multiple-Category Assimilation by Dutch Learners of Spanish Paola Escudero and Paul Boersma 208-219 A Structural Account of Onset Cluster Reduction Heather Goad and Yvan Rose 220-231 When Comprehension Meets Production Beverly A. Goldfield 232-242 Why No Child or Adult Must Learn De Morgan's Laws Andrea Gualmini and Stephen Crain 243-254 First Language Attrition: The Effects of Second Language Ayse Gürel 255-265 On the Dissociation of the Nominal and the Verbal Functional Domains in French Language Impairment Cornelia Hamann, Marina Arabatzi, Lara Baranzini, Stéphany Cronel-Ohayon, Laurence Chillier, Sébastien Dubé, Julie Franck, Ulrich Frauenfelder, Luigi Rizzi, Michal Starke, and Pascal Zesiger 267-277 The Robustness of Non-English Sequences in Created Gesture Systems Amy J. Hammond and Susan Goldin-Meadow 278-289 Dominant Grammatical Cues (But Not Weak) Survive Cross-Language Interference in Early Second Language Acquisition Catherine L. Harris, Vicki A. Pardallis, and Triada Frangou 290-301 The Acquisition of Spanish Reflexive se in Transitive Verb-Argument Structures and Singularity Miren Hodgson 302-313 Lexical Neighborhood Effects in 17-Month-Old Word Learning George Hollich, Peter W. Jusczyk, and Paul A. Luce 314-323 Is Verb Learning Easier than Noun Learning for Japanese Children? 3-Year-Old Japanese Children's Knowledge about Object Names and Action Names Mutsumi Imai, Etsuko Haryu, and Hiroyuki Okada 324-335 Joint Attention and the Development of the Use of Demonstrative Pronouns in Turkish Aylin C. Küntay and Asli Özyürek 336-347 Longitudinal Study of Language Acquisition in Two Children with Williams Syndrome Yonata Levy 348-358 Learnability and the Statistical Structure of Language: Poverty of Stimulus Arguments Revisited John D. Lewis and Jeffrey L. Elman 359-370 Mapping Words to Actions and Events: How Do 18-Month-Olds Learn a Verb? Mandy J. Maguire, Elizabeth A. Hennon, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Carly B. Slutzky, and Jennifer Sootsman 371-382 Bilingual Babbling: Evidence for Language Differentiation in Dual Language Acquisition Blagovesta Maneva and Fred Genesee 383-392 Volume 2 Iconic Versus Motoric Determinants of the Form of Children's Early Signs Richard P. Meier, Adrianne Cheek, and Christopher J. Moreland 393-405 Preschool Logic: Truth and Felicity in the Acquisition of Quantification Julien Musolino and Jeffrey Lidz 406-416 Generalizing Novel Verbs to Different Structures: Evidence for the Importance of Understanding Meaning Letitia R. Naigles, Edith L. Bavin, and Melissa A. Smith 417-428 Beyond Sarcasm: Intonation and Context as Relational Cues in Children's Recognition of Irony Constantine Nakassis and Jesse Snedeker 429-440 The Role of Frequency in Acquisition of English and Chinese Compounds by Bilingual Children Elena Nicoladis and Hui Yin 441-452 The Pragmatic Development of and Ira A. Noveck and Florelle Chevaux 453-463 Benefits of Childhood Language Experience for Adult L2-Learners' Phonology Janet S. Oh, Terry K. Au, and Sun-Ah Jun 464-472 Cross-Language Blending of /l/ Gestures by Korean-English Bilingual Children Sunyoung Oh 473-484 The Acquisition of Implicit Arguments in Japanese and Related Matters Reiko Okabe and Tetsuya Sano 485-499 Speech-Gesture Relationship across Languages and in Second Language Learners: Implications for Spatial Thinking and Speaking Asli Özyürek 500-509 Evidential Morphology and Theory of Mind Anna Papafragou and Peggy Li 510-520 Native vs. Non-Native Knowledge of the Effects of Discourse Status on Word Order Hyeson Park and Lan Zhang 521-532 A Typology of Cluster Reduction: Conflicts with Sonority Joe Pater and Jessica Barlow 533-544 Knowledge of Binding in Down Syndrome Alexandra Perovic 545-556 Linguistically Distinct Sensitive Periods for Second Language Acquisition George M.J. Perry and Catherine L. Harris 557-566 Biliterate and Mathematical Performance in an Intensified French Immersion Education Program: Some Evidence for the Interdependence Hypothesis Kenneth Reeder and Monique Bournot-Trites 567-571 Simultaneous Acquisition of German and Italian: A Longitudinal Study of Bilingual Children of Pre-School Age Manola Salustri 572-583 The Interaction of Lexical-Semantics, Syntax, and Discourse in the Acquisition of Factivity Petra Schulz 584-595 Infants' and Toddlers' Comprehension of Subject and Object Wh-Questions Amanda Seidl and George Hollich 596-607 Effects of Variability on Infant Word Recognition Leher Singh, Heather Bortfeld, and James L. Morgan 608-619 The Role of Joint Attention in Argument Realization in Child Inuktitut Barbora Skarabela and Shanley Allen 620-630 On Aspectual Shifts in L2 Spanish Roumyana Slabakova and Silvina Montrul 631-642 English-Learning Toddlers' Sensitivity to Agreement Morphology in Receptive Grammar Melanie Soderstrom, Kenneth Wexler, and Peter Jusczyk 643-652 Young Children's Sensitivity to Discourse Cues in On-Line Pronoun Interpretation Hyun-joo Song and Cynthia Fisher 653-664 Lexical Influences on Interword Variation Holly L. Storkel and Judith A. Gierut 665-676 Preposition Stranding and the Compounding Parameter: A Developmental Perspective Koji Sugisaki and William Snyder 677-688 Contexts of Verbal Inflection Dropping in Inuktitut Child Speech Mary D. Swift and Shanley E.M. Allen 689-700 Acquisition of Verb Argument Structure: Canonical Mapping or Verb-by-Verb? Sigal Uziel-Karl 701-711 Restructuring the CP in L2 German Anne Vainikka and Martha Young-Scholten 712-722 The Acquisition of Topic Constructions in L2 Spanish Elena Valenzuela 723-733 Tense Comprehension in Child Dutch Suzanne van der Feest and Angeliek van Hout 734-745 Not by Perception Alone: Conceptual and Semantic Factors Underlying Children's Extension of Novel Adjectives Sandra R. Waxman 746-757 Morphological Variability in Endstate L2 Grammars: The Question of L1 Influence Lydia White 758-768 The Acquisition of Wh/Every Interaction in English Kyoko Yamakoshi 769-780 The Syntax-Discourse Interface and the Interpretation of Pronominals by Dutch-Speaking Children Shalom Zuckerman, Nada Vasic, and Sergey Avrutin 781-792 Morphosyntax Is Easy, Discourse/Pragmatics Is Hard Natalie Batman-Ratyosyan and Karin Stromswold 793-804